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Transitioning from the Military to Herzing

Herzing有支持服役人员的悠久传统. 如果你已经尽了你的责任,准备开始你人生的下一个篇章,这里是 how Herzing can help you complete your pathway to success.

You’ve served your nation and now you’re home. 和每年成千上万的退伍军人一样,你也面临着同样的问题—— what’s next? An exciting career could be the answer!

进入大学是进入新的职业道路的理想途径. 退伍军人通常在高等教育中表现优异,退伍军人学生在这方面表现优异 average GPA of 3.39 in 2019. Student veterans are often adult learners – only 15% 年龄在18到23岁之间的学生中,有四分之三是全日制学生吗.

从军队转到学校有障碍吗? Yes. Whether it’s outside responsibilities, returning to civilian life, regular relocation, or a greater likelihood of mental health issues, veterans do face transitional challenges. 但你也有很多能帮助你成功的特质——可靠, leadership, communication skills, a positive attitude and a team-focused outlook.

如果你已经尽了你的责任,准备开始你人生的下一个篇章,这里是 how Herzing can help you complete your pathway to success:

Herzing Supports Military Veterans

Herzing有支持服役人员的悠久传统. 软件下载提供量身定制的途径和举措,旨在帮助退伍军人, active duty guards and reserves, 军人配偶实现了学业和职业目标.

This year, Herzing University 获得了2021-2022军事友好®学校称号 by VIQTORY, publisher of G.I. Jobs® and Military Spouse® magazines. 该指定的最终评级是基于满足学生保留标准, Graduation, Job Placement, Loan Repayment, 持久性(学位提升或转学)和贷款违约率为所有学生和, specifically, for student veterans.

Herzing Delivers the Degrees You Want

Since the passage of the Post-9/11 GI Bill, business and healthcare have been the top two degrees achieved by student veterans. Herzing提供的学位可以引导你进入这两个领域的职业道路. Whether you want to build a business, bring your skills into an existing business, or work as a healthcare professional, Herzing有教育机会和内置的社区伙伴关系 turn a career dream into a career reality.


当你努力实现你的职业目标时,在赫精的教育将使你专注于职业. 软件下载知道你们有一个目标和目的地,你们在赫zing学习的课程和时间都是为了最大限度地提高你们的成功,为你们提供开启下一个篇章的工具和资源.

Whether it's transferrable credits根据你的现实生活责任灵活调整的时间表,在线课程, tuition assistance or a nationwide network of campuses, Herzing大学不相信建立障碍或告诉你“你不能这样做”.” We want to make the journey as easy as possible, 特别是对于那些已经赢得了追逐和捕捉梦想的权利的退伍军人.

Make Herzing Your Next Home

为了表彰你们为国家所做的贡献和牺牲,贺晶大学 offers special academic services designed to benefit our military students. Herzing以职业为导向的研究生和本科课程旨在为学生提供公共安全等领域的现实技能和知识, business, technology and healthcare. You will be ready to enter the workforce as soon as you graduate.

如果你已经为国效力准备好开始你平民生活的下一个篇章, Herzing University is here to help. Connect with us today 了解更多或得到任何问题的答案.

Learn More About Our Military Benefits


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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